First thank you for giving this interview, I do not like as much popularity and another had a monopoly as a result, even when you're cured of terrible. So thank you, to me your first exclusive interview.
For those who do not know, say you're the creator of the blog hello kitty sniper.
So well known for your orders to Edgi sets, user arsoft Barcelona and Madrid.
Where to give answers to many of the questions, and present your views.
Without further ado we go with the interview.
How to discover the airsoft, and how many years ago that those involved in this world?
We've all played the pistolitas of sin and war, the people and we played with garbanceros with suction cups to pull, and all that, so as it never matures and went up a lot of division, with the first of pistolitas Dock of the Chinese, then with the gas gun replicas store whose name I do not remember (the Taurus Pt92 bought the chain in tannn infamous sirvio a good season) and later the AEG. I will say that about 9 years or so, I started with a snowy winter in a beautiful area that has ceased to exist, I will remember always follow in the footsteps of people in the snow and shoot from distance with a huge " pajillera "dreamer .... given me.
On Tuesday, August 19, 2008 published the first entry in your blog, which has about 30 followers. Still thinking the role of sniper in airsoft is unknown?
Let's face it, this role is unknown, many people who are curious, leafing through it, that "pecking" but then in reality there are very few "of airsoft sniper" around. People always want to start this role, but neither are we in a movie or the "proto". Normally people are tired. What if my attention is the number of visits is a daily blog (one is not too vain, but I always like to see statistics from time to time). 30 followers are targeted a lot more than I had expected before turning 1 years blog. At this point I think I can feel happy, as it did most personal collection and has adapted to more and more requests from many readers. Mail contact is almost never thought that would be used, and today I look almost daily so it does not accumulate me the job. " I do not like leaving people hanging.
What recommendations would you offer to those who want to start with the role of sniper, besides read. The wonderful article. The player and the novice airsoft sniper of two concepts that should not be mixed Pircing of 58?
Think it over many times, and although it believe it is their role, starting rifle, and after 1 years, what he intends to enter again in the role. We are tired of repeating the same thing, and are heavier than a cow in his arms, but unfortunately that is why we almost always, people leave more than 9 out of 10 times.
Many clubs are not allowed to be sniper replicas with high power (power can be with a gun, because it is a form of play, although the replica ..... help, we are not lying and begin with "the sniper is as lethal as his radio with his replica ") without a minimum of experience. I think it should be mandatory, as we have always started the game very clear, so we minimize risks is an intelligent team. Powered replica of a sniper is very dangerous, and give it to a novice can be catastrophic. Let us not forget that the goal of the game is fun, and kill more or less everything that is not fun is secondary, and incidents with a newbie and a replica can be promoted and make unpleasant fastidiarte day. Not the other, but I have 6 days a week to be in a bad mood (which is not the case), so the day I play I try to keep smiling all day, and made both by me as silly possible when I am with my colleagues or other players, so they will do even more pleasing to the helmet (and the computer to which you belong can attest, whenever I walk by .... coif, and end them as well, that's always noted).
Any advice for players with more experience?
These do not have to say anything, they know as much or more than me, there are people who know a lot of role and airsoft in general. Both in and outside Spain. I'm only one of those who lose more time answering things in a forum.
What was your first reply and you can tell us about it?
My first replicates, apart from the Taurus Pt92 gas was used to remove a little bug, was a Tokyo Marui M4. Think seriously about a mp5 Sd5 of the same brand (for that, just in AEG TM, CA about the former, unreliable, and ICS MP5 objectionable, there were neither Systema, not China, G & G, .. etc. ..) but the choice of group I did at that time (HUA) framework to keep the aesthetics, desert 3 colors, black vest and type SAS or SWAT Colt (M4, M16 ...). That was a replica of that came a "Pelin" enhanced with metal bushings and a spring is more powerful, achieving an impressive figure compared to 315fps from the 280 series of the season. 315 of that was "dishonest" and "elitist "..... or HUA in Asturias, so inevitably I love being a little more than the average cabroncete. As she learned to adjust the hop up and play without being a total useless (we are now useless partial only.) I regretted very much when a change to a TM M4 carbine CA M15A4, but the appearance marked trend.
Replica that you want to have and do not have yet?
Many, a Real Sword SVD, an Asahi WA2000, an Asahi M40, one of who Fg42 take. But undoubtedly the WA 2000 is the first in the list, as well as the least likely to have ever since their number is decreasing day by day and returning them to the sale does not fall below $ 3500 before.
Three replicas that you have better results and that changes have?
The Maruzen Type 96 and the Classic Army M24 has been the 2 replicas that have given me the best results ever, although the SPR Custom amazing things I have done for their power. The settings of all my replicas you have in the Blog.
If only you could stay with a replica of what would you and why?
Type 96 in the Spring and the SPR into electricity. But if only one could stay with me for the L96 and heart because I have won so much and get all your pieces.
What is the best secondary for a esniper?
The best secondary, without limits or anything, it would be a P90 with no attachment, MP5 better than a (more compact without protruding porters), better than a scorpion or an MP7 (AEP's two) and miles from any gun.
Although I am not in favor of them, and use a Tactical Master Tokyo Marui. I guess the convenience of Serpa and can Blowback me. Everyone says the wonders of Marui Mk.23 SOCOM, I had 2, and if you are silent, but I do not like, I think a piece, and above my chargers are not good. There are colors to taste. Be cost neutral.
Never buy a replica of the brand?
China low cost (although I am surprised Cyma and some replicas have tempted me well), like Asterix and Obelix, I refuse to even the invasion "Roman" (in this case China) and I've never owned a replica of those categories.
What is essential equipment for the airsoft sniper?
Something non-material, patience and humor, and is what most are forgetting to put on their equipment. Everything else is expendable. As a sniper you'll encounter more situations in which a bored oyster porfin shoot and when you see can not sing like the opposite, just laugh and you have to wait for the next. But just marchandote with worse mood empezastes that day, something incredible if we think that this is just a game.
Glasses that you use to play?
A "fashion" as Wiley XSG-1, with red crystals of the oakley Hoot in BHD. And about the Bolle X800 imitation, which caught 2 pairs to "test" as pleasantly exceeded bolazos to "0 distance of muuuucho fps without waste or splinter inside (yes, some were dented when lenses), nor the structure is broken into a thousand horns, ...... convinced me to use them. I think it's more than what many have done to their poor sunglasses. I started using the covered but open side of, but a conscience is a bit of things and just buying something more secure. I think the price of the imitation of Bolle is no excuse not to wear. Eye, Wiley worth over € 100 and the imitation is less than 15 € I believe, is not about money.
That is what we can never miss in your backpack, when some item or event go?
Unfortunately I always need what we need most, no flaw that I forget something, but you never needed in the backpack or back pocket, are 3 different weights of balls, are many.
Use grenades or mines?
Before we used to fire grenades and lentils / flour (100% ecologico, plaster, firecracker fuse with fat to spare, lentils and surviving a roll of toilet paper) but the restrictions were to be allowed to use. We turn to mine sound like a mechanism of the shops when you open the door.
Of existing mines I do not like the price and reliability, fairly high and low respectively. Of the grenades do not like anything directly, the metal can do much harm if released, and rodarlas is a bit "sad", the other better ... or talk. I still believe that our ecological grenades were the best solution, giving plenty of time to depart, to depart, lentils did much damage and were realistic. But things change and some things have to give.
As the battery discharges?
Before a bulb and a simple circuit and silly, now I have a charger Turningy those used so that is wonderful and makes everything (besides that I have one charger for all types of batteries).
Looking optic gives you the best results?
I could see through a view "real" very very expensive, with three zeroes behind, anything that we use in airsoft is a "basurilla" look and consider buying a "real" range of the cheapest (only 2 zeros) is not something totally ridiculous. Yet, for which we use the surplus to what we have in the market. Personally I like most is an imitation of a Leupold M3 King Arms of the mark (and the comparison with the real counterpart is not insulting to more power) and in my opinion is the best in airsoft, a Save 2008 Three takes (they are crossed with the production of SWAT leapers $ 200 and gave him better lenses and other jijijiji) quite difficult to find today.
You can tell the ghillies?
I do not like, really. I would love to have one of those Leshi Russians, but my economy is not very well today. I have always had ghillies and finishing off. Yet I consider the purchase of one for the umpteenth time, I always just liando Koldo. So yes, there is the combination of me = P.
Could recommend a book to some of the ultimate sniper?
There are many books, I have an edition of the handbook of the U.S. Army, and is very good but all those books, it is not applicable to airsoft. We must read these books with the head, any hunter pulled gamusinos much more with these books than we do. Airsoft sniper and the sniper did not appear to be nothing, however much we want to imitate in many respects.
Book Black Hawk Down recomendaria war (Bowden), Blood Brothers, D-Day (Ambrose 2) Rumors of War (Caputto of Vietnam), and many more. Regarding the topic of sniper, there are many books, and give us all a very "good" role, which has limited application airsoft already mentioned. Any history book of the wars where it was used, if a bit detailed, it shows the curious aspects of Snipers.
Stores that purchase?
Buy Sherman muchisimo, for treatment, for friendship, for closeness, and because I like a lot of stick for not buy. Are often paid more than shopping elsewhere, but it has its advantages sometimes. Also, always have helped me enormously in innumerable problems, and I think in the best of my ability is to get back the "favor".
Other stores are X-Fire, Ebaybanned (or tactical gear depot) and airsoftglobal, but always for very specific things, because as many know, in Spain we are not characterized by a variety of brands, and if we talk about Snipers, even less.
Apart from Edgi and set the first Spanish custom, which is starting off, you could
recommend someone else?
Could, but until they make themselves known, the better we keep it = P
Internationally Shredder is a boy with which to do business without fear. And the manufacturer of nozzles Pakayama alike. There are many customs around, just look for it and give value.
Yet, before we had a fixed piston manufacturer, we have neo sport springs, etc., FIXED, if that is the first that I am eager to develop and innovate, and therefore deserves the nickname of " first because it already has drawn a wide range of products.
As had many problems with customs, any story that you tell us?
Many! And who does not? rather than problems is that we have "caught", we have the bad habit of not having that 21, 22% of customs. Mistake, we can not blame the expensive things are in Spain because we do not pay customs traps, although some stores and do not spend a reasonable profit, because some great products and you nailed that this is not . As anecdotes, the first and only time they stopped a shipment of EdGI, the boy wonder "hey, what are these pipes? Because it RC? and had no desire to answer the truth, we were told that trims or anything. Overall, we were going to put the same well and the evil was done. The second was a shipment of X fire that had to be hiring a customs agent in Santander ...... explain to the guy what was so difficult was that to this day I have no very clear as described.
As you stopped to think as what you spent on airsoft, or rather not think about it?
Whenever I think about it, but keeps it a secret to the grave, I know it is good that people know about it .... not much.
As much as people say they prefer not to think, we all stopped to draw on their accounts one day leave the hobby.
Could recommend some event organizer, or a particular event?
Red Ribbons and KillerKitty's organizers have proven to be one in resultones Op Solanum last March 21 in Girona, it was difficult to draw a line, new, and therefore risky, so I think his success is doubly meritorious, Many people did not give a hard event. Personally, being the game of airsoft meno attended, which is certainly more fun to me.
As organizers and more consolidated and items in the item, with the Gott Cal.6 Hammer (to which I had the pleasure to attend before them, and they already showed what they could do). Besides that some of its members shared adventures in the old CRC (Confederation of the North), when we were all on the same computer, although they de Leon. Others are good organizers are the SAS Galicia (who were former NSC) and the people Escuadrón Nomada, Leon and also in the hope that conincidir in the next operation to schedule.
Someone who is eager to learn and went to the 5th Estol Monzon operation in 2008, an event that was milsim cancel causes larger and very sad, for solidarity decided to annul. Hopefully the Op.Carrion compensable in 2009 replacing the aforementioned Monzon, and pay tribute to the incidents which canceled the first edition.
At the same time the inauguration of the field of Marine Recon and Bones Crew Asturias, without reaching the level of concentration or event was a very "special" on the last ball to beat some members of my former classmates. And that was both a farewell to many of them. Highlighting the work of the Marines and Bones, who made very people faced the same play, but some do not .... know that the other party would be there, of course. Jijijiji
I left as a game event before the end, if the answer is if you could tell us why?
In the first concentration that did in Asturias, funny that we call "mierdapartida" among the attendees, which was held in Ranon, we fell a deluge, so given the proximity of our homes, many went to a little sleep at night because that all day, so until we were playing with a shower tremendisimo. The next day we learned on a farewell breakfast (that we attend again) that the brave few who stayed around .... slept in a chair, others came floating on their inflatable mattresses ... laughter. There are pictures that I keep in mind for long.
On bad mood I have not ever left, but if I stop playing and I was eliminated in the area where the day can not be used by immortals, moodiness, bad coil, does not play, but it speaks to people with whom you have no problems. It is both a silent protest and not to leave people hanging around. All that is finished enough to play with us from the current group of which I am and since we choose the events very carefully. Allowing a few "adventures" which could mean a disaster.
You can give us some advice for playing raining or not we play better?
You can play, and there is an experience to play at least once to have no grounds to do so again. But rain rain, 4 drops (in the North but that does not ever play), flood / hail and snow is different. Snow is something unique in a game. Hail is unplayable, and call it a deluge that fell while we have to wrap the plastic replicas in the legs and we were sinking up to the groin in the mud, these conditions can play, but it's a game, and I step and do those things if it is not an event.
Think that one day will end the scourge of the immortals?
Ever, as they say in BHD "This is Somalia, there will be war", this is airsoft, there will always be inmortables. It is a game of honor, and when you buy a replica there is no way not to sell you do not, so I see no way to avoid it. If I can think of many ways to punish him, and games based on the many thousands who do not have that problem, but .... today in airsoft, but changed the design is feasible. Referees decimate the immortals, and end with them in that game, but only that.
Forms part of a team with which you typically play?
Mine. GFEA Asturias. We played very, very closed, that allows us to have a low profile and not get out anywhere, not too bad nor too good. We have no forum, we have no problems with anyone, and always invited us to many places. It is difficult to contact us as a group, but not impossible.
Because you start using the patch of hello kitty?
For a dinner that I have not even claimed (to see if you read it). But then I like, I think it removes all that seriously and all that testosterone distill the "Salon Rambos" and "Commander chair from the house that tannnto abound.
Because you put the nik of Hari?
A book of a saga that began and will read over 10 or 12 years. Foundation Asimov. Take so with this nickname, which many friends of many years ago, I called by my name (and do not know) is more, most people call me by the nick in the day to day. It is not something I dislike = P
As had some messiah, the pai-pal of your blog?
Some were in paypal, but I have also had some patrons of the Rangefinder. And some more details. The truth is that it makes a tremendous illusion when these things happen.
You can count the creation or pulse mode IAPS in Spain?
Which is in its infancy and that prevents me from having a crisis Hi Capa 5.1 full metal hilt with the pink Hello Kitty, but time to time.
What does the proposed undertaking customs?
The idea is to have a full replica Spanish, with some pieces from the outside, but as little as possible. Drawings of the replicas and 3D bodies and cut with CNC machines, clear that the crisis also affects this, and the cost of the replicas, but are limited edition, we can not do in the short term, and the subject is moving, but with many more obstacles than if the thing was good. There are enough people involved in these things, just as dogs are silent and only the head visible for me to drop the blog. The first replica project is spectacular, but the difficulty arises is that high that we can move on to the second model we have in mind. Time to time, advertises its Marui replicas with 2 years in advance, we are neither Marui, yet we have not said the model, what is clear is that when we say the ad and submit photos, things will be imminent, will not JTG as that of the Vintorez.
How about the legality of which is the airsoft?
Well, as usual, we take so many years, and the flood of new players makes the growing public alarm, and we look very closely at even more unfortunately in my heart I do not think this has a happy ending for us. So, better alegal that "evil" regulated.
I do not feel wrong in saying that this play, because you do not see with good eyes
airsoft competitions, they can do?
Because if we have problems when there is no competition, imagine what we have with them? I certainly would not. I did paintball, competitions and fuck all when it comes to hobbies, it's my opinion. The term Professional and Hobby term can not go together without friction and without adjustment of airsoft, it seems to me absurd competitions (but respect for those who do have their merits because they get into these berengenales). I start things over by the foundations, and castles in the air are not of my liking. I could be wrong, but I think winning competitions create only bring trouble.
What has been the best experience as a player or moment in airsoft as it had?
When inferiority, being alone with one of my spotters, with all our disposal, playing against Asturias Recon Marine in our field, defending, he asked me while looking through binoculars
"See?" if
"You can give?" if
"Sure?" if
"Shoot when you say .... ya!" Ploce! ( "true" to release the contrary)
We look at each other so we had just done and peliculero we had left, and smile while still playing the game, we still have 5, and god help us cost llevarnoslos all. It's the best game that we play because we take the knowledge of the field, positions, and use the radio when not in range of vision. Between him and me we managed to trace a line which we lost to 2 minutes to start and stay alone, against a very organized and that took time playing with each other.
But unfortunately the game is plentiful but not to eat and not be a thread = P nothing decisive, even so, some of those of you "eat" for five years.
And blog or posters?
Posters as the beginning of the "war zarigüella" on a forum "cuasicerrado" in which former members of the team we started HUA all, remember that others may lead to shame, but I promise that I will not, I pass pipe at the end zaris we went to our (uy! Is that escaped me was one of the zaris? cachis!) and today some laugh, others not so much when they remember things.
Blogger as the time at which I arrived was the Rangefinder stroke, I never thought that people have that level of detail, I was stone. I promise to pay that person with articles for a good season.
Moreover, every comment made in an entry of satisfaction altonivel, shows that people read the blog and not write for people ethereal, come on, it is not a blog where most people mind their miseries. That certainly is not the intention I had in mind the day I did.
What has been the worst time or experience, which as been linked to our liking?
The day that a fellow CRC (one of the ex cal.6) destroyed her car in one of the team dinners, I remember that all team members, students, workers or whatever, put the money to help financially ; was a moment that something worse could have happened, but fortunately the only damage to the car.
And the worst of all was the day that the HUA / CRC ceased to be united. The HUA was one form of taking time off, with many people in the team, helping, following a pattern defined by a "Credo", and ..... well played! everything went adrift, and was a personal disaster for many who had started in this business of airsoft with that team and the airsoft relacionabamos thus did not see beyond. It was terrible because I was not so bad, it was so violent (but funny for many), many friends of many years were broken so irreconcilable, and a form of "live" was with the group. Everything was done as a team, almost all the free time you could spend on leisure activities with those people, it was a very united and exploded in a rubbish by few people. But as it was, I have the consolation that the current members of the GFEA inherited that style, and improve many aspects that are not repeated again.
What do you think of the mil-sim?
That is one way to play. That sometimes we play that way. And that is not all airsoft. Apart from that it is somewhat broad, there are infinite degrees of milsim. If we refer to the most "heavy" one thousand sim, say they are not made for the whole world. In addition, at the time that we played airsoft mil-sim, as they simulate a game of war. Come on, play the pistolitas is milsim.
Although I am against those people who believes the purist and airsoft milsim as first division. Or do they want to go through hoops to people without arguments. However, Spain is big enough to have variety of patterns over and difficulties.
One of your last lines were infected with solanum operation, think we need more originality to the time of ride lines?
Undoubtedly, we lack originality, we lack resources, collaboration of the world ..... we are one of things to take. Although we do not make it easy.
The items often have scripts Riddley Scott .... but more of the same! Let me explain, variants of "role" that offers many airsoft, use it almost always with the script of "war." Solanum was an incredible idea, and we wanted to be there from the beginning. The airsoft replicas were only half to give more realism to the game of "role in vivo. What can be drawn more to the idea? Of course, many more, but it is a very good start.
I sincerely believe that we should focus less on the scripts and backgrounds "film" over the work and play, missions are not "standard" but with different things. I do not worth anything to make a dash as the "enemy at the gates" if then I am going to find a game with 2 bases with some parts of the map and marked it with a mata mata some more restrictions. In general items are highly peliculeras, but tend to follow the same structure. Solanum not, and I think we all live a unique experience. Event and escape the monotony of the usual items.
The esnipers we are not environmentalists, manufacturers think bb, biodegradable s not taken into account?
I think any manufacturer we are generally taken into account. Bio or not. Madbull saved and Bioval too. 0.3 Until we no longer have an excuse, though, with the bolts, I can pay 1 € for every ball to find my weights at the end of the day. And are easy to recognize, that are always coloritos ....
Let's talk a little about forums is that many ask. Received many private day?
Among all? I do not know, I have no account, but if you give me a penny for each private message in total between AB, AM, and the blog post ..... I would buy some replica of a mark in first year. The number varies, but not fall below 20 per day. And there are days that there are 50 or more. And if I go one weekend or the internet stopped watching 3 or 4 days, I do not give a coarse, it's those times when I spend a lot of messages. And vacation is terrible, this year's round of a Mini had pages and pages in 3 places, thank goodness that I am not much more.
Besides the spelling errors, which is what bothers you most of the forums?
The people who advised not know, I meet many times with people who come ill-advised, and annoying to say "hey, since you have said it all wrong and you've spent the dough to the silly, is not what you had to buy" or "do not be worth anything."
Fortunately starts having a lot of people who know that speaking out there, and put in place to "listillos" not to do so with malicious intent, but that is usually people with little experience who wants to be noticed or upload your own post, or whatever ... the point is that when I get a Cagan and private .... to mourn those.
What also bothers me greatly are those who believe that I dedicate to this and you write with bad manners, or as if I were the Oracle of Delphi and I have any solution or answer to everything. Many times I have raised it to "close the beach and do as many of you also know the answer, no answer, and point, I am sure it is that time and then fights and bad ways you fall to another . There are very good people in the community airsoftera, but there is an increasing number of "garrulos" so call it another way, and they always point out more.
Surviving in the airsoft apart from the immortals and the Rambos?
The idols, the "Chinese", the decerebrated, which I mentioned before ....... sobran tannnntas things.
What is the worst of airsoft?
The forums, the "professionals", that take this very seriously.
And the best?
People in general, games, fun.
Some curious anecdote you tell us?
Many, for all these years provide many anecdotes, but interestingly most are not usually associated with the game itself, and is the shot stick is only part of airsoft. One thing that makes the grace of my team, though not so much to me, is that whenever I have a new replica to play (or you get something new) does not work it's like an evil eye, it is strange that the day not a problem gives me something new, except this is Maruzen criva. Both the M24 like Kar, like the SPR, as the M4 had the curse in the past year, and the same thing happened years ago. You take it with humor and play with something else.
Another curious thing is that almost always remove more people with a replica gun that long. I believe that all have long sniper 1 / 3 of the low Delàs beretta.
Want to apologize to someone or to thank him?
Thanks it would have to give a lot of people, especially of ASF that was where I started to search info from sniper replicas, since in Spain do not know anyone.
Sorry surely expect a lot, but if not I've already asked, sitting to wait, always ask for forgiveness for what I consider mistakes, and will not be the first time that I do, but do not ask forgiveness for things that others consider errors I am not such a good person as some think, nor as bad as others believe.
Besides, this is a game, I think I've offended enough to apologize, which makes it look.
What is a replica maintenance for locking type L96 Bar-10?
Best you can answer this question in your blog with an article.
L96 for the usual cleaning and oiling review. For the best maintenance Bar10 is changed by a VSR.
The clone of the Maruzen L96 did Well, it is not a complete disaster, but the Bar 10 ..... it's terrible!
But I have many items to take, a lot right now, what we lack is time. Before, when I had time missing ideas.
Well we are nearing the end of the interview, and that left things in an inkwell.
But I do not want to abuse your generosity and your time.
You'd like to ask you, in your first interview?
Not, the questions is something I think the other side, I just answered the best I can = P
If I do not ask me like that, and it is about my personal life, things are left in the airsoft airsoft, not seldom mixed compartments of my life. They are not questions that would reply.
You respond?
If you want to say something but this is the time.
Well, nothing, that there is a brick of answers, he did not think it would take me so long to reply and thank you for believing that this is going to read someone innocent of you ....
A greeting for the people who read the blog and the community that tries to be a sniper in a game that is not so glamorous like in real life, films and video games.
Well we finished the interview, thank you very much Hari.
You can play, and there is an experience to play at least once to have no grounds to do so again. But rain rain, 4 drops (in the North but that does not ever play), flood / hail and snow is different. Snow is something unique in a game. Hail is unplayable, and call it a deluge that fell while we have to wrap the plastic replicas in the legs and we were sinking up to the groin in the mud, these conditions can play, but it's a game, and I step and do those things if it is not an event.
Think that one day will end the scourge of the immortals?
Ever, as they say in BHD "This is Somalia, there will be war", this is airsoft, there will always be inmortables. It is a game of honor, and when you buy a replica there is no way not to sell you do not, so I see no way to avoid it. If I can think of many ways to punish him, and games based on the many thousands who do not have that problem, but .... today in airsoft, but changed the design is feasible. Referees decimate the immortals, and end with them in that game, but only that.
Forms part of a team with which you typically play?
Mine. GFEA Asturias. We played very, very closed, that allows us to have a low profile and not get out anywhere, not too bad nor too good. We have no forum, we have no problems with anyone, and always invited us to many places. It is difficult to contact us as a group, but not impossible.
Because you start using the patch of hello kitty?
For a dinner that I have not even claimed (to see if you read it). But then I like, I think it removes all that seriously and all that testosterone distill the "Salon Rambos" and "Commander chair from the house that tannnto abound.
Because you put the nik of Hari?
A book of a saga that began and will read over 10 or 12 years. Foundation Asimov. Take so with this nickname, which many friends of many years ago, I called by my name (and do not know) is more, most people call me by the nick in the day to day. It is not something I dislike = P
As had some messiah, the pai-pal of your blog?
Some were in paypal, but I have also had some patrons of the Rangefinder. And some more details. The truth is that it makes a tremendous illusion when these things happen.
You can count the creation or pulse mode IAPS in Spain?
Which is in its infancy and that prevents me from having a crisis Hi Capa 5.1 full metal hilt with the pink Hello Kitty, but time to time.
What does the proposed undertaking customs?
The idea is to have a full replica Spanish, with some pieces from the outside, but as little as possible. Drawings of the replicas and 3D bodies and cut with CNC machines, clear that the crisis also affects this, and the cost of the replicas, but are limited edition, we can not do in the short term, and the subject is moving, but with many more obstacles than if the thing was good. There are enough people involved in these things, just as dogs are silent and only the head visible for me to drop the blog. The first replica project is spectacular, but the difficulty arises is that high that we can move on to the second model we have in mind. Time to time, advertises its Marui replicas with 2 years in advance, we are neither Marui, yet we have not said the model, what is clear is that when we say the ad and submit photos, things will be imminent, will not JTG as that of the Vintorez.
How about the legality of which is the airsoft?
Well, as usual, we take so many years, and the flood of new players makes the growing public alarm, and we look very closely at even more unfortunately in my heart I do not think this has a happy ending for us. So, better alegal that "evil" regulated.
I do not feel wrong in saying that this play, because you do not see with good eyes
airsoft competitions, they can do?
Because if we have problems when there is no competition, imagine what we have with them? I certainly would not. I did paintball, competitions and fuck all when it comes to hobbies, it's my opinion. The term Professional and Hobby term can not go together without friction and without adjustment of airsoft, it seems to me absurd competitions (but respect for those who do have their merits because they get into these berengenales). I start things over by the foundations, and castles in the air are not of my liking. I could be wrong, but I think winning competitions create only bring trouble.
What has been the best experience as a player or moment in airsoft as it had?
When inferiority, being alone with one of my spotters, with all our disposal, playing against Asturias Recon Marine in our field, defending, he asked me while looking through binoculars
"See?" if
"You can give?" if
"Sure?" if
"Shoot when you say .... ya!" Ploce! ( "true" to release the contrary)
We look at each other so we had just done and peliculero we had left, and smile while still playing the game, we still have 5, and god help us cost llevarnoslos all. It's the best game that we play because we take the knowledge of the field, positions, and use the radio when not in range of vision. Between him and me we managed to trace a line which we lost to 2 minutes to start and stay alone, against a very organized and that took time playing with each other.
But unfortunately the game is plentiful but not to eat and not be a thread = P nothing decisive, even so, some of those of you "eat" for five years.
And blog or posters?
Posters as the beginning of the "war zarigüella" on a forum "cuasicerrado" in which former members of the team we started HUA all, remember that others may lead to shame, but I promise that I will not, I pass pipe at the end zaris we went to our (uy! Is that escaped me was one of the zaris? cachis!) and today some laugh, others not so much when they remember things.
Blogger as the time at which I arrived was the Rangefinder stroke, I never thought that people have that level of detail, I was stone. I promise to pay that person with articles for a good season.
Moreover, every comment made in an entry of satisfaction altonivel, shows that people read the blog and not write for people ethereal, come on, it is not a blog where most people mind their miseries. That certainly is not the intention I had in mind the day I did.
What has been the worst time or experience, which as been linked to our liking?
The day that a fellow CRC (one of the ex cal.6) destroyed her car in one of the team dinners, I remember that all team members, students, workers or whatever, put the money to help financially ; was a moment that something worse could have happened, but fortunately the only damage to the car.
And the worst of all was the day that the HUA / CRC ceased to be united. The HUA was one form of taking time off, with many people in the team, helping, following a pattern defined by a "Credo", and ..... well played! everything went adrift, and was a personal disaster for many who had started in this business of airsoft with that team and the airsoft relacionabamos thus did not see beyond. It was terrible because I was not so bad, it was so violent (but funny for many), many friends of many years were broken so irreconcilable, and a form of "live" was with the group. Everything was done as a team, almost all the free time you could spend on leisure activities with those people, it was a very united and exploded in a rubbish by few people. But as it was, I have the consolation that the current members of the GFEA inherited that style, and improve many aspects that are not repeated again.
What do you think of the mil-sim?
That is one way to play. That sometimes we play that way. And that is not all airsoft. Apart from that it is somewhat broad, there are infinite degrees of milsim. If we refer to the most "heavy" one thousand sim, say they are not made for the whole world. In addition, at the time that we played airsoft mil-sim, as they simulate a game of war. Come on, play the pistolitas is milsim.
Although I am against those people who believes the purist and airsoft milsim as first division. Or do they want to go through hoops to people without arguments. However, Spain is big enough to have variety of patterns over and difficulties.
One of your last lines were infected with solanum operation, think we need more originality to the time of ride lines?
Undoubtedly, we lack originality, we lack resources, collaboration of the world ..... we are one of things to take. Although we do not make it easy.
The items often have scripts Riddley Scott .... but more of the same! Let me explain, variants of "role" that offers many airsoft, use it almost always with the script of "war." Solanum was an incredible idea, and we wanted to be there from the beginning. The airsoft replicas were only half to give more realism to the game of "role in vivo. What can be drawn more to the idea? Of course, many more, but it is a very good start.
I sincerely believe that we should focus less on the scripts and backgrounds "film" over the work and play, missions are not "standard" but with different things. I do not worth anything to make a dash as the "enemy at the gates" if then I am going to find a game with 2 bases with some parts of the map and marked it with a mata mata some more restrictions. In general items are highly peliculeras, but tend to follow the same structure. Solanum not, and I think we all live a unique experience. Event and escape the monotony of the usual items.
The esnipers we are not environmentalists, manufacturers think bb, biodegradable s not taken into account?
I think any manufacturer we are generally taken into account. Bio or not. Madbull saved and Bioval too. 0.3 Until we no longer have an excuse, though, with the bolts, I can pay 1 € for every ball to find my weights at the end of the day. And are easy to recognize, that are always coloritos ....
Let's talk a little about forums is that many ask. Received many private day?
Among all? I do not know, I have no account, but if you give me a penny for each private message in total between AB, AM, and the blog post ..... I would buy some replica of a mark in first year. The number varies, but not fall below 20 per day. And there are days that there are 50 or more. And if I go one weekend or the internet stopped watching 3 or 4 days, I do not give a coarse, it's those times when I spend a lot of messages. And vacation is terrible, this year's round of a Mini had pages and pages in 3 places, thank goodness that I am not much more.
Besides the spelling errors, which is what bothers you most of the forums?
The people who advised not know, I meet many times with people who come ill-advised, and annoying to say "hey, since you have said it all wrong and you've spent the dough to the silly, is not what you had to buy" or "do not be worth anything."
Fortunately starts having a lot of people who know that speaking out there, and put in place to "listillos" not to do so with malicious intent, but that is usually people with little experience who wants to be noticed or upload your own post, or whatever ... the point is that when I get a Cagan and private .... to mourn those.
What also bothers me greatly are those who believe that I dedicate to this and you write with bad manners, or as if I were the Oracle of Delphi and I have any solution or answer to everything. Many times I have raised it to "close the beach and do as many of you also know the answer, no answer, and point, I am sure it is that time and then fights and bad ways you fall to another . There are very good people in the community airsoftera, but there is an increasing number of "garrulos" so call it another way, and they always point out more.
Surviving in the airsoft apart from the immortals and the Rambos?
The idols, the "Chinese", the decerebrated, which I mentioned before ....... sobran tannnntas things.
What is the worst of airsoft?
The forums, the "professionals", that take this very seriously.
And the best?
People in general, games, fun.
Some curious anecdote you tell us?
Many, for all these years provide many anecdotes, but interestingly most are not usually associated with the game itself, and is the shot stick is only part of airsoft. One thing that makes the grace of my team, though not so much to me, is that whenever I have a new replica to play (or you get something new) does not work it's like an evil eye, it is strange that the day not a problem gives me something new, except this is Maruzen criva. Both the M24 like Kar, like the SPR, as the M4 had the curse in the past year, and the same thing happened years ago. You take it with humor and play with something else.
Another curious thing is that almost always remove more people with a replica gun that long. I believe that all have long sniper 1 / 3 of the low Delàs beretta.
Want to apologize to someone or to thank him?
Thanks it would have to give a lot of people, especially of ASF that was where I started to search info from sniper replicas, since in Spain do not know anyone.
Sorry surely expect a lot, but if not I've already asked, sitting to wait, always ask for forgiveness for what I consider mistakes, and will not be the first time that I do, but do not ask forgiveness for things that others consider errors I am not such a good person as some think, nor as bad as others believe.
Besides, this is a game, I think I've offended enough to apologize, which makes it look.
What is a replica maintenance for locking type L96 Bar-10?
Best you can answer this question in your blog with an article.
L96 for the usual cleaning and oiling review. For the best maintenance Bar10 is changed by a VSR.
The clone of the Maruzen L96 did Well, it is not a complete disaster, but the Bar 10 ..... it's terrible!
But I have many items to take, a lot right now, what we lack is time. Before, when I had time missing ideas.
Well we are nearing the end of the interview, and that left things in an inkwell.
But I do not want to abuse your generosity and your time.
You'd like to ask you, in your first interview?
Not, the questions is something I think the other side, I just answered the best I can = P
If I do not ask me like that, and it is about my personal life, things are left in the airsoft airsoft, not seldom mixed compartments of my life. They are not questions that would reply.
You respond?
If you want to say something but this is the time.
Well, nothing, that there is a brick of answers, he did not think it would take me so long to reply and thank you for believing that this is going to read someone innocent of you ....
A greeting for the people who read the blog and the community that tries to be a sniper in a game that is not so glamorous like in real life, films and video games.
Well we finished the interview, thank you very much Hari.
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